Two nights ago, I dreamed of orcas several times. The final time, I remember looking out a giant glass window that jutted against a blue ocean and watching two of the whales leap in and out of the water in awe.
They were swimming so quickly, I ran as fast as I could against the length of the window to keep my eyes on them, shouting to my Mom, the family friend I was on the phone with, whoever would listen, “Look! Look!”
Experiencing the majesty of the orcas felt urgent and profound. Like they had come personally to deliver me a message, the contents I didn’t quite understand but knew were sacred to me.
That morning, I looked up what seeing orcas in dreams can represent and immediately felt an understanding that this was the message I was supposed to hear.
“Seeing orcas in your dreams could mean that a great opportunity is coming your way, but you’re frightened to do anything about it. This dream is telling you to take advantage of this opportunity and face your fears.”
One of the morsels gleaned from this message is that I’ve let my idea notebook fill to the brim for far too long without executing. These missives you read are dear to my heart, and I’ve had inspiration coming out of my eyeballs on workbooks I want to produce, women’s circles I want to host, and inspiring humans I want to showcase. I envision a future for The Intentional Muse that includes helping people catapult their dreams into existence, where we can have more conversations in safe containers and wake up to the joy that resides in us if we only take a moment to hear her.
That being said, I’m taking the rest of the month to begin to bring some of those hopes to life, and look forward to seeing you again in 2024.
I am so incredibly lucky to have you here.
Wishes for a holiday season that’s safe, joyous, and full of celebration,